
The Unitalia ( A portmanteau of Unita, "unity" and Italia, "Italy" ), full name Unitalia - Movimento Sociale Iniziativa ( in German: Unitalia - Movement Social Initiative) is a neo-fascist party in Italy, with the origin in South Tyrol. They emerged in 1996 from a spin-off show at the local level of the right-wing National Alliance (AN). Here, a group of local councils from Bolzano had to protest the so-called Svolta di Fiuggi together ( the reorientation of the Movimento Sociale Italiano post-fascist towards more moderate AN) to a splinter party under the leadership of Donato Seppi.

Unitalia occurs since its inception a call for protection of " Italienertums " ( Italianità ) in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and for the unification of Italy and is thus strictly opposed any effort autonomy of South Tyrol. In its influence, the party is limited to the region of South Tyrol and so far has no Deputies or Senate seats in Rome can win in parliamentary elections.

In the South Tyrolean Landtag the Unitalia was represented from 1998 to 2013, with the MEP Donato Seppi.

From 2008 to 2010 she collaborated with the also right outside, operating at national level party La Destra by Francesco Storace. In 2010, she was part of the conservative small party Movimento per l' Italia by Daniela Santanchè.

The statute

Core of the party statute and thus the party itself is the following excerpt:

Unitalia - Movimento per l' Alto Adige si propone di intervenire nella Società e nella vita politica italiana sulla base dei Principi seguenti Ispiratori: difesa dell'Unita della Nazione contro tutti i tentativi disgregatori e le forme di varie secessionismo; tutela the Alto Adige dell'Italianità e ferma opposizione all inaccettabili pretese dei filoaustriaci e dei loro Complici italiani; tutela degli dei interessi cittadini the Alto Adige italiani, promuovendo ricorsi nelle sedi nazionali ed internazionali più opportune al fine di giungere all'abrogazione source norme di dello Statuto Autonomia di che ledono i diritti dei cittadini italiani, in particolare la proporzionale etnica, l ' obbligatorietà di residenza quadriennale in provincia per l' esercizio del voto di diritto, l' obbligatorietà del license ` di bilinguismo a tutti i livelli.

" Unitalia - Movement for South Tyrol " wants to engage in society and the political life of Italy based on the following principles: defense of national unity against any corrosive influence and any form of secessionism; Protection of " Italianität " South Tyrol and resolute opposition to the unacceptable claims of Austria friends and their Italian accomplices; Protect the interests of its citizens in South Tyrol by challenging survey of relevant national and international institutions to the effect that the norms of the Statute of Autonomy, which infringe the rights of its citizens, be abolished. These are in particular the ethnic proportional representation, the duty to four years of residence in the province, to participate in public elections may, and the obligation of bilingualism examination of all classes.
