United Reformed Church

The United Reformed Church ( United Reformed Church, URC ) is a Protestant church in Britain.


The URC was formed in 1972 from the merger of the Presbyterian Church of England (Presbyterian Church of England ) and the Congregational Church in England and Wales ( Congregational Church in England and Wales). 1981 joined her at the Re -formed Churches of Christ, 2000 was followed by the Congregational Union of Scotland. The URC currently has approximately 150,000 adults and 100,000 children and young people in 1,750 communities.


The life of faith URC is dominated by the Presbyterian, Congregational and Calvinistic traditions. In the Union's commitment of 1981, she describes herself as part of the " one holy, catholic and apostolic church " and is committed to, among other things " to receive the life -renewing of the Holy Spirit in every place and in all their community and express " to. In the URC men and women to be ordained. The blessing of same-sex couples are allowed in the URC.


The URC is a member of numerous organizations of ecumenism, such as the World Council of Churches, the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe and the World Communion of Reformed Churches.


The URC has adopted as the first church in Britain in 2004 a de facto decision incompatibility with the racist British National Party (BNP ) or similar organizations.
