University of the Balearic Islands

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The University of the Balearic Islands - including the University of the Balearic Islands (Catalan: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spanish: Universidad de las Islas Baleares ) is a public university in the Balearic Islands with headquarters in the city of Palma.

The University of the Balearic Islands - UIB short - was founded in 1978 and today is divided into six faculties with a total of 13,700 students and 924 academic staff ( 2011).

The university offers 50 different degree programs in the fields of humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, law and economics, event management and healthcare. The main campus is 7.5 km outside Palma, there are other related campus in Menorca and Ibiza.

The UiB is part of the university network Joan Lluís Vives Institute, where Catalan-speaking universities have joined forces.


  • Natural sciences
  • Right
  • Education
  • Economics
  • Humanities
  • Psychology
  • Tourism