University of the Republic of San Marino

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The University of the Republic of San Marino was founded by Law 127 of 31 October 1985 by the Captains Regent Pier Paolo Gasperoni and Ubaldo Biordi. Your principal is Giorgio Petroni and has its headquarters in the capital of San Marino in Contrada del Collegio, 38, and is available in 6 faculties ( rather than the Italian Facoltà after the name of San Marino Dipartimenti ) can be subdivided:


Dipartimento della Comunicazione ( Communication Faculty )

Head of Faculty is the Dr. Patrizia Violi, who also works at the University of Bologna and promotes research, development and comparison in the field of semiotic communication and cognitive science. Its seat is located in the Contrada Omerelli, 77 in the capital.

Dipartimento della Formazione ( Faculty of Education )

The Faculty was founded by Renzo Canestrari in 1991 and is headed by Luigi Guerra of the University of Bologna. Purpose is the research and professional training. Its headquarters is located in via Napoleone Bonaparte 3 in San Marino. Since 2000, the course is organized Educazione 2000, an education and training course for university lecturers.

Dipartimento di Economia e Tecnologia ( Economic and Technical Faculty )

This Faculty is mainly engaged in the research of new technologies. It is composed of four institutions ( Sezioni ):

  • Scuola Superiore in Ingegneria Economico - Gestionale ( College of the Industrial Engineering)
  • Osservatorio sulle Imprese (Institute for companies )
  • Osservatorio sullo Sports (Institute of Sport )
  • Osservatorio sulla Pubblica Amministrazione (Institute for the Management Authority )
  • Polo Tecnologico Nettuno, lauree a distanza ( Technology Center Nettuno, Distance University )

Its headquarters is located in via Bandirola, 44 in Montegiardino, your head is Vito Albino,

Dipartimento di Studi Biomedici ( Biomedical Faculty )

It offers two main training courses:

  • Medicina e Chirurgia Estetica (medicine and plastic surgery )
  • Flebilinfologia ( Flebilinfologie )

Two university courses:

  • Corso Nazionale per Coordinatori al prelievo (State course for assistants in the blood )
  • Trapianto di organi- Transplant Procurement Management ( organ transplant course)

And three-year university degrees: The Faculty has its headquarters in Contrada Omerelli, 77 in San Marino, The conductor is Giuseppe Ippolito Donini.

Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici ( Faculty of Law )

This Faculty was founded by the Captains Regent with Gersetzesverordnung n.123 in 2000 will promote and strengthen the characteristics of San Marino jurisprudence. It includes:

  • Scuola di Perfezionamento in Diritto Sammarinese (training courses on the sanmarinesische Law )
  • Istituto Giuridico Sammarinese (Institute of sanmarinesische Legal Studies )

It has its headquarters in Contrada delle Mura 16 in San Marino. The conductor is Pier Giorgio Peruzzi.

Dipartimento di Studi Storici ( Faculty of History )

Founded in 2004, it is divided into two institutions:

  • State Higher Vocational School of Historical Studies
  • Centro di Studi Sammarinese Storici ( Sanmarinesisches Research Center for History ).

It has its headquarters in Via Napoleone Bonaparte, 3


The University of San Marino statements are valid in Italy and in the EU, although San Marino is not an EU member.
