
Unut (also Wenut ) is an ancient Egyptian goddess who is already in use in the Early Dynastic period. She embodied from the Old Kingdom as the eye of Re goddesses Nekhbet and Wadjet the crown as well as Isis and Hathor.

Mythological connections

In the Early Dynastic period Unut is with the saying " The only one (W ˁ ) can be eye healing be " testified. She represented after the unification the Nebti - goddesses who offereth the king of the sun god Re. She was secured between the Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt crown on the head " of their Lord " Re. In return Unut Re symbolically at the crown of the King ( Pharaoh) was attached as his symbol of power.

The voices of the dead have united to her and talked through it. In addition took Unut with the deceased, the ritual of the solution. As part of the royal sky rise, it has established the head of the deceased ruler.

Geographical reference

Unut originally dates from the 15th Upper Egyptian Hasengau, where she was worshiped as the patron goddess and " mistress of Wenu ", which later became Hermopolis Magna. As early as the 4th Dynasty is shown on one of the famous Trinity, showing the King Menkaure with the goddess Hathor and alternating Gaugöttinnen, so even with Unut.


Was shown Unut including as hare -headed man holding two knives in his hands. Your sacred animal was the desert hare. In other displays, she appeared as a lion, as well as in human form or as a mummy with bunny head. The importance of Unut is also risen early in the deity Thoth.
