
Uronema is occurring in freshwater green algae from the genus - group of the Chlorophyceae. It includes a few species.


The representatives form unbranched filaments of a cell number. The cells are long cylindrical. The threads have a diameter of 4 to 10 micrometers. The end cells of the filament are pointed and often curved. The basal cell of the thread is stuck with a colorless plate to the substrate. The cells have a nucleus and a band-shaped chloroplasts. This is parietal and has one or more pyrenoids. The growth is by cell division in the thread.

Asexual reproduction occurs by the formation of one or more zoospore per cell. Sexual reproduction is not known.


The representatives of the genus live snugly in standing and flowing waters.


The species of the genus Uronema were formerly placed in the genus Ulothrix which they resemble morphologically under a light microscope strong. However, they are not closely related, but differ morphologically only in the ultrastructure of the zoospores and in the type of cell division of these.


  • K.-H. Linne von Berg, K. Hoef -Emden, B. Marin, M. Melkonian: The Cosmos algae leader. The main freshwater algae under the microscope. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2004, pp. 266, ISBN 3-440-09719-6