Urspring (Ach)

The Steingädele shortly before its confluence

The Steingädele shortly after its source

The Steingädele is a left tributary of the 580 m long Oh, at Schelkingen in Alb- Donau-Kreis, Baden- Württemberg, and one of the shortest rivers in Germany.

Steingädele source

The Steingädele source ( officially: Quelltopf Steingädele ), sometimes just called the origin, and the Steingädele today Urspringschule is located at the former Benedictine monastery, is surrounded by a natural stone wall. The source forms a small mound of travertine. Average pours the karst spring 500 liters per second ( min. 100 l / s, max. 2,500 l / s). The source pot is about five feet deep. The catchment area extends to the military training area Münsingen.


The effluent from the source pot via two weirs in two arms around a building in which there is the tailoring and the Model workshop of the school, guided around the creek. Shortly after building the two arms together again.

The Steingädele now flows in the valley a Urdonauschleife south. Your water is passed there in some fish pond. About 500 meters below its source, a few meters east of the Achursprunges, opens the Steingädele in the Ach.
