
  • Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time ( HAST )
  • Tahiti Time ( TAHT )

UTC - 10 is a time zone which has the length of a semi-circle 150 ° W meridian as a reference. In this zone clocks with time it was ten hours earlier than Coordinated Universal Time and eleven hours earlier than the CET.

  • 2.1 Aleutian Islands: Hawaii- Aleutian Standard Time ( HAST ) / Hawaii - Aleutian Time Daysaving ( HADT )
  • 2.2 Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time - Hawaii


Regions and time zones, use the UTC -10:

All year round

  • Cook Islands Cook Islands (associated with New Zealand)
  • France France French Polynesia French Polynesia: Tahiti Time / Heure de Tahiti ( TAHT ) Society Islands, including Tahiti
  • Tuamotu Archipelago
  • Austral Islands
  • USA - Hawaii
  • Johnston Atoll ( uninhabited )

Standard time (Northern Hemisphere)

  • United States United States USA - Alaska Alaska: Aleutian Standard Time ( HAST / HADT ) Aleutian Islands west of 169 ° 30 ' W
  • Pribilof Islands
  • Süd-Sommer-/Nord-Normalzeit
  • Sea ​​area
  • Nord-Sommer-/Süd-Normalzeit
  • Standard time throughout the year

Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time Zone ( HAST )

The Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time ( HAST ) is the time zone of the Hawaii - Aleutian zone. The term was introduced in 1983.

The United States standard Alaska Time corresponded since 19 March 1918 ( Standard Time Act ) of the Mean Astronomical Time at 150 ° W, that was EST -5 ( Eastern Standard Time, the Local mean time to 75 ° W with the date changes at noon, his term -time norm of USA, was in use but Civil time, so the date changes at midnight ), after taking over the world time 1928 UT -10, and was almost throughout Alaska. March 31, 1942 to September 30, 1945 (War -time ) Act was all year in the U.S. War Time (UT - 9), after 1947, the DST UT -9 were then taken in Alaska. After the takeover by the HAST Hawaii June 8, 1947 the time zone Hawaii - Alaska Standard Time Alaska or Hawaii was called ( at ) Standard Time.

Aleutian Islands: Hawaii- Aleutian Standard Time ( HAST ) / Hawaii - Aleutian Time Daysaving ( HADT )

As Standard Time HAST is now western Aleutians West Census Area only (Outer Aleutians ) of 169 ° 30 'W. It also applies to the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea central. As summer time, the Hawaii - Aleutian Time Daysaving (HDT, HADT ) is used, which represents a time offset from UTC -9. It applies since 2007 across the U.S. from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, the changeover is 02:00 HAST each to 3:00 HADT ( Energy Policy Act of 2005)

In 1983, the state of Alaska, which includes the Aleutian Islands, on the whole mainland of a time shift from UTC -9, and called them Alaska Standard Time ( AST), previously had a total of four time zones been customary with AST to UTC - 10th Since then, we speak of Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time, UTC-10 for that is nurmehr used as HAST with HADT on the Outer Aleutians (see History of Alaska: present ).

Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time - Hawaii

There is also a zone of HAST, in which no Daylight saving time is used, Hawaii - Aleutian Standard Time - Hawaii, one also speaks of Hawaiian Standard Time ( HST). The time is good all year, both around the Hawaiian Islands, the 50th U.S. state, and on the still more Western Johnston Atoll, which is part of the unincorporated United States Minor Outlying Islands.

Time standard is the short wave transmitter NIST radio station WWVH ( 2,5 / 5/10/15 MHz) on Kauai, which is matched with the time signal from the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Fort Collins.

Hawaii used from 1900 to 1947 as the reference meridian to the meridian of 157 ° 30 ' West, which runs between the islands of Oahu and Molokai, with a time shift of UT -10: 30 (Universal Time at the time was world time, before 1928, the reference was GMT -10: 30 ). Thus, the time corresponded in the capital Honolulu nearly solar time. April 30, 1933 to 21 May 1933, tentatively a summer time trying on UT -9: 30 was. By June 8, 1947 HAST has been with UT -10: 00 introduced, including DST HADT. 1966 was created with the Uniform Time Act the possibility ausoptieren all the states of the DST. Hawaii took advantage of this opportunity, because in the tropics is a daylight rule is of no benefit, and since 1968 applies UTC -10: 00 all year.

Tahiti Time / Heure de Tahiti ( TAHT )

The Tahiti Time ( TAHT ), French Heure de Tahiti or Temps de Tahiti, precise L' heure légale dans la territoire de la Polynésie Française, is the time zone of French Polynesia for the Society Islands, including the main island of Tahiti, the Tuamotu Archipelago and the Austral Islands ( Îles Austral ), but not in the Marquesas ( Marquises, UTC -9: 30) and Gambier Islands (UTC -9). It applies all year round.

Historical Usage

The Line Islands, since 1979 part of the state of Kiribati, UTC-10 have been used by the end of 1994, but then switched to UTC 14 (same time, but different date ), so there on December 30, 1994 immediately January 1, 1995 followed.
