Utricularia nelumbifolia

Flowering of Utricularia nelumbifolia

Utricularia nelumbifolia is a carnivorous plant in the genus of the water hoses ( Utricularia ). It is native to Brazil.


Utricularia nelumbifolia is a perennial, epiphytic, while aquatic living plant of creeping habit. It forms a short, fleshy stalk round and stolons of 3.0 or more inches in length and 2.0-3.0 mm in thickness. They carry dichotomously divided branches of several millimeters in length and 0.1-0.2 mm in thickness. The leaves appear individually or in pairs from each stem base. Their stems are fused with up to 45.0 cm long and fairly with the center of the lamina. This is much more annoying to circular shield-shaped, leathery and reached 3-10 cm in diameter. The entire plant is covered in their submerged parts with spherical glands.

The traps appear in large numbers and sit primarily on the submerged Stolonzweigen. They are stalked, egg-shaped and their size varies between 1.5 and 2.5 mm. The vent is frontal and the left and right of the door is a curved appendage.

The inflorescence grows erect, is of simple construction and unbranched. It is up to 1.20 m long, the stem is round in cross section, 3.0-5.0 mm thick and smooth. The bracts are fused at their base, narrow - linear and about 3.0-5.0 mm long. There appear four to nine flowers at regular intervals of about 1-3 cm. The sepals are slightly oval and both about 1.0-1.5 cm long. The corolla 3.0-4.0 cm long and is colored blue violet. The upper lip is broad petals ovate with a rounded tip, it is longer than the sepals. The lower lip is upside - elliptical and about 3.5-4.5 cm wide. Your base has two conspicuous, swollen praise, the tip of the lower lip is deeply incised and three-lobed. The two outer lower lip praise are almost circular, the mean praise is not equal to smaller, deltoid and sometimes almost absent. The flower spur is cone-shaped, pointed, slightly curved towards the front or is parallel to the lower lip and is a little longer than this.

The seed heads are nodding and globose to broadly ovate, its length is about 0.8-1.0 mm; the capsule walls are of stout structure. The seeds are cylindrical and about 2.0 mm in size.

Distribution and habitat

Utricularia nelumbifolia is native to the tropical rain forests of Brazil. Where it grows in water-filled leaf hoppers of various bromeliads (eg the genus vriesia ), often associated with Utricularia humboldtii.


Utricularia nelumbifolia was first described in 1843 by George Gardner. It is assigned to the section Iperua.

