
59.43524.358055556Koordinaten: 59 ° 26 ' N, 24 ° 21' O

Vääna -Jõesuu is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community Harku ( German Hark ) in Harju County ( Harrien ). It has 686 inhabitants (as of June 1, 2010).

Location and landscape

Vääna -Jõesuu is a popular resort on the Estonian Baltic coast. The wide beach is sandy and suitable for kitesurfing. He is a popular destination for people from the Estonian capital Tallinn. Known among nature lovers is particularly the Klint of Türisalu with its uninterrupted views of the sea. At the site of the river Vääna in the Gulf of Finland opens.

Previously populated during the summer months many Estonians the summer houses, allotments, and the Datschensiedlung of the place. Today, many people live all year round in Vääna -Jõesuu.

After regaining independence, Estonia's nouveaux riches were in the early 1990s at Vääna -Jõesuu build numerous over-sized houses in a eclectic Disney style.

Vääna -Jõesuu was part of the protected border control strip along the Baltic Sea during the Soviet occupation of Estonia. In the old military buildings now a training center of the Estonian Constitutional protection ( kaitsepolitseiamet ) is housed.
