Vâlcea County

Valcea [ vɨlt ͜ ʃe̯a ] is a Romanian county ( Judet ) in the Walachia region, with the county seat Râmnicu Vâlcea. Its common abbreviation and the license plate are VL.

The circle Vâlcea is bordered to the north by the Sibiu county, on the east by the county of Arges, in the southeast and the south by the Olt County, in the southwest on the Dolj county, on the west by the Gorj county and to the northwest by the circles Hunedoara and Alba.


In 2002, the county of Vâlcea 413 247 inhabitants and a population density of 72 inhabitants per km ². Of these, 408 178 Romanians, Roma 3955, 332 Hungary, 136 German, 36 Turks, 33 Italians.

On 1 January 2009 the district had 408 518 inhabitants and a population density of 71 inhabitants per km ².


The county has a total area of ​​5765 km ², equivalent to 2.41 % of the area of Romania.

On the south side of the Southern Carpathians ( Carpatii Meridionali ) located, the circle from the river Olt (Alt ) passes over a length of about 130 kilometers in north-south direction. The greater part of the district - west of the river Olt - is located in the Lesser Wallachia; the part east of the Old in the Great Wallachia. Along the Olt river have been built in the district of Vâlcea ten reservoirs. The largest reservoir is the Vidra Reservoir; this is on a river Lotru in the northwest of the circle. Also located on the Lotru Bradisor reservoir between the Lotru and the Căpăţână Mountains.


The European highway (Drum european ) in the area of the circle is:

  • European Route 81 from Satu Mare on Aiud - Alba Iulia Râmnicu Vâlcea - Pitesti to Bucharest.

National roads (Drum National) on the territory of the district are:

  • National road DN 67 of Râmnicu Vâlcea about Drobeta Turnu Severin after Târgu Jiu ( Kr Mehedinţi ).
  • National road DN 64 of Râmnicu Vâlcea about Drăgăşani by Caracal ( Olt Kr ).

Railways on the territory of the district are the:

  • Railway Băbeni - Alunu

Cities and Towns

The circle consists of Vâlcea officially 608 villages. Of these, 11 have the status of a city, 78 to a community. The rest are assigned to administrative cities and towns.

Biggest Towns
