Varvara Stepanova

Varvara Fyodorovna Stepanova (Russian Варвара Фёдоровна Степанова; scientific Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova transliteration; pseudonym: Were; * 23 Oktoberjul / November 4 1894greg in Kaunas, † May 20, 1958 in Moscow.. ) Was a Russian painter, designer and theorist. Her work is attributable to the constructivism.


Varvara Stepanova came from a lower middle class family, her education she received in 1910 at the Kazan Art School. 1912 moved to Moscow; Studies with Ilya Mashkov and Konstantin Yuon. 1913-14 visit to the Stroganoff School of Art.

Already at the Kazan Art School in 1914, she learned her work colleagues, companions and later husband Alexander Rodchenko know. After Stepanova had returned to Moscow in 1914 without a degree, she worked as a seamstress and bookkeeper and took classes at Mikhail Leblans school. From 1916 she lived with Rodchenko, their daughter Varvara came in 1925 to the world.

In the years before the Russian Revolution she was in Moscow with Wassily Kandinsky, Alexandra Exter and Liubov Popova, the Russian avant-garde. 1918 connection to the Department of Fine Arts (ISO, Russian Изобразительный Отдел ) and participating in several exhibitions up in the 20s. In 1920, she followed Rodchenko as a member of Inkhuk (Russian Институт Художественной Культуры ) with the participation in the exhibition > 5 x 5 = 25 < The First Russian Art Exhibition in Berlin in 1922 showed her paintings composition, characters and 2 figures, 4 compositions and 12 linoleum cuts.

Together with Rodchenko was a committed follower of the new constructivist tendencies. She made studies on structural problems on the basis of analyzes of the movements of the human figure. These movements were reduced to simple, flat, geometric shapes, creating a whole series of figures were reminiscent of robots and puppets.


Since the early 1920s, Stepanova more devoted to the design, the design of fabrics, costumes and theater productions. In 1922, she designed costumes and stage set for Meyerhold's Tarelkin death. They also engaged in textile design and worked with Popova 1923-24 for Moscow State first textile factory. Together with Rodtscheko designed Stepanova functional workwear.

Stepanova was an active member of the Inkhuk and the Lef group. She taught from 1924 textile design at the Vkhutemas.

Exhibitions (selection)
