Veil of Veronica

The Veil of Veronica ( Sudarium ) is an object of Christian legend. According to Christian tradition Veronika has her cloth of Jesus of Nazareth passed on his way to Calvary to wash away sweat and blood from his face. Here, the face of Jesus is said to have imprinted miraculously on the handkerchief as a so-called Veronika image.

Origin of the legend

In the Gospels (New Testament) 9.20 et seq reports a woman issue of blood in Mark 5.25 and Matthew, who suffered twelve years of bleeding, and the robe of Jesus touched from behind.

" " Immediately her bleeding and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction " "

In the apocryphal Acta Pilati, which are also called Gospel of Nicodemus, the issue of blood woman named Berenice ( Berenice ). Its Latin translation was later Veronika, " true image ", reinterpreted in the Western representation of true as a composite of Latin and Greek Εικών vera ikon image.


In a late antique Coptic version of the Acts of Pilate alleged from the 6th century Veronika has the seriously ill Emperor Tiberius cured by the sight of the Sudarium caused a miracle to him. The Byzantine legend - in conjunction with the Abgarlegende - says that Jesus was still alive to King Abgar of Edessa - have sent a wonderful strong cloth with the image of his face that this was placed at the gate of Edessa - now Sanlιurfa in Turkey; there, the image was obtained as a brick footprint. Younger versions of this legend report that not Abgar, but his daughter Berenike had received the cloth. Emperor Constantine VII was therefore 944 bring the impression in his palace chapel; after the conquest of Constantinople Opel - now Istanbul - 1204 by the crusaders lost his trail.

It was only in the 12th century comes in the Roman Church, the legend on, after Veronica her cloth Jesus on his way to Golgotha ​​have been enough to wipe sweat and blood. Since the 12th century a picture of Veronica with the Sudarium is known in Rome, and finds in this form, the legend in the Middle Ages widespread. In the Way of the Cross this scene is represented as a sixth station.


The Veil of Veronica was once the most valuable and most revered relic of Christianity and is now in a huge safe in Veronika pillars of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, which was specially built in 1506 on the foundations of the Church.

A long as the real handkerchief revered copy was built in 1721 to the Habsburg Emperor Charles VI. paid and is now publicly available in the treasury of the Vienna Hofburg. The Vienna Sudarium is allegedly one of five known copies that were made in 1616 by the then Vatican handkerchief.

According to a recent theory, the Veil of Veronica is identical with the veil of Manoppello, which should show the face of Jesus and which is kept in a small church in the village of Manoppello in Abruzzo.

Use of the subject

There is a plaster relief sculpture of the Shroud on the south side of the church tower of the Holy Cross Church of the Center for Christian meditation and spirituality of the diocese of Limburg in Frankfurt -Bornheim. The cloth is surmounted at the four edges of symmetric exposed wood beam ceilings. Was created, the relief of the Wiesbadenener sculptor Arnold Hensler.


In Spanish bullfighting, there is the figure of the " Veronica " in which the matador his muleta so similar as Veronica holds the napkin to the usual representations.
