

The Velfjord is a Norwegian fjord, which is located in the municipalities Brønnøy and Vevelstad in Fylke Nordland. He is about 31 km long and extends from Taurmanbotnet at the end of the long fjord to its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean. From fjord branch off a series of side fjords, including the Okfjord, the Storfjorden, the Lislbørja, the Storbørja, the Bosvik, the Heggfjord and long fjord.

Along the western shore runs the highway Fylkesvei 76

Former municipality

Velfjord is also a former belonging to Nordland County, whose administrative center was Hommelstø. The municipality was established on October 1st 1875 by the separation of the church Brønnøy and then had 1162 inhabitants. On January 1, 1964, the municipalities Velfjord and Brønnøy were reunited. Before the merger, the town had 1380 inhabitants Velfjord.
