Velika Hoča

Velika Hoča (Albanian Hoca e Madhe ) is a village in the large village Rahovec in Kosovo. There live about 700 people, almost all Serbs in the village. The majority of the population is involved in agriculture, in which viticulture plays the main role. These are the many ancient Serbian orthodox churches, many dating back to the 12th century. The frescoes are well preserved. The village is guarded around the clock by KFOR to protect the Serb minority against Kosovo Albanian attacks. Easter 2007 visited the writer Peter Handke the village and handed over to the mayor Dejan Baljoševic the prize money of 50,000 euros, with which the loaned to Handke Berlin Heinrich Heine Prize had been doped. The experiences during this trip processed Handke in his 2009 published book The Cuckoos Velika Hoča.
