Venus of Galgenberg

Venus from the Gallows ( Fanny from Gallows Hill ) is a Venusfigurine from green serpentine from the archaeological culture of the Aurignacian. With a radiocarbon dating of the Fund layer of about 32,000 BP it is next to the Venus of Hohle Fels in 2008 found the world's oldest known Venusfigurine.


The statuette was found during the excavation of a living space of hunters from the time of Aurignaciens (younger Paleolithic ) on 23 September 1988. The site is located on the gallows at Stratzing, directly on the municipal boundary between Stratzing and Krems- Rehberg in Lower Austria. About 25 km away is located upstream along the Danube, the reference of about 7,000 years younger than Venus of Willendorf.

The stone sculpture is 7.2 inches tall and weighs 10 grams The back of the figure is flat, designed the front plastic. It has a dance posture. This representation they got right in locating the nickname " Fanny - the dancing Venus from the Gallows ", after the famous dancer Fanny Elssler. Since the representation is not unique, but it is also interpreted as a hunter with a club.

As the Schnitzabfälle show, the statue seems to have been made ​​at the site. Also, the stone comes from the area. The age determination is based on the 14C - dating of surrounding wood residues.

The original can be seen at the Natural History Museum Vienna, a copy of the sculpture in Weinstadtmuseum Krems on the Danube.
