Verbal arithmetic

Formerly called a cryptogram a ciphertext.

Nowadays, a cryptogram or Alphametik denotes a Mathematical puzzles. It's a mathematical equation or a system of equations of unknown numbers whose digits are replaced by letters. The goal is to find the value of each letter.

The equations usually are based on simple arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

A symbol puzzle where non-alphabetic symbols are used instead of letters, is generally referred to as a cryptogram.

The classic example in English is:

S E N D 9 5 6 7 M O R E 1 0 8 5 ---------------------- = M O N E Y = 1 0 6 5 2 The solution to this riddle is:

S = 9, E = 5, n = 6, D = 7, M = 1, o = 0, R = 8 and Y = 2 Solution of cryptograms

Solving cryptograms by hand is a mix between testing and the exclusion of possibilities. For example, solve the following considerations and exclusions the above cryptogram SEND MORE = MONEY ( numbering of the columns from right to left).

Examples of simple German cryptograms
