Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon


  • Vocals: Mikko Aspa
  • Electric Guitar: Hasjarl
  • E -Bass: Khaos

Chaining the katechon is an EP of the French black metal band Deathspell Omega.


The EP was released on December 8, 2008 by Norma Gospel Diaboli and The Ajna Offensive. At the same time the only song appeared on the EP, chaining the katechon on the split LP with SVEST, Veritas Diaboli manet in aeternum. Their material again appeared separately on the EP Veritas Diaboli manet in aeternum: Le Diable est ma raison. Both EPs were released as a Digipak. Norma Gospel Diaboli describes the work of both bands as a " variation on a same theme, independent yet complementary".

Title list


Chaining the katechon followed the experimental style of the last album Fas - ite, maledicti in Ignem aeternum, but differs musically from this. Sonically it resembles Diabolus absconditus and compositionally without copying kenosis this. It starts, unlike previous songs of the band directly with blast beats and disjointed, dissonant chords. The procedure was compared with the listener intentionally disturbing of free jazz. It follows a very quiet passage with genuine, continuous reef.


The title refers to the katechon from the second letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, which acts as Aufhalter of the Antichrist, and thus the return of Jesus Christ out delay. Consequently, the chaining of katechon allows the release of the Antichrist, and thus the arrival of Judgment.

In the text there are numerous biblical allusions, references to ideas of Georges Bataille and metaphysical philosophy.


Justin Norton of described the song as "creative outburst " of more than 20 minutes, " one of the most talented extreme metal bands ." He described it as a sophisticated, multi-layered Black Metal, unravel like a novel. The band seemed to play less music to channel the energy from an alternate dimension. Deathspell Omega can not be assessed both musically and philosophically. Thom Jurek of Allmusic described the band as " technically proficient, even masterful ." Les According Eternels Chaining the katechon is " another unique work", which is to get to know patient, because it " supremely indigestible " and that wimmle details.
