Verona Arena

The Arena of Verona is a well-preserved Roman amphitheater.


Originally, the arena had a size of 152 × 123 m. Today there are only 138 × 109 m, with a height of just 24.1 meters. Thus, the Arena in Verona is still - after the Colosseum in Rome and the arena of Capua - the third largest of the preserved ancient amphitheater. The 45 steps ranks of the auditorium are each about 45 centimeters high and low and now offer 22,000 spectators.


The theater was built around the year AD 30 and was at that time outside the Roman city walls of Verona. In Roman times, summed up the arena more than 30,000 spectators and was used for gladiatorial contests and competitions. The exterior was clad in white and pink limestone. After an earthquake in 1117, in which the largest part of the outer ring was destroyed, the arena served as a quarry for the growing medieval city. Today, four arches of the former Arena fully comprehensive outer ring are still preserved. They are of the Gentlemen of Verona " l' ala " - called - the wings.

In 1278, the arena of the scene of the last major Cathar execution was: After the success of the Inquisition in the 1250s years in southern France in their fight against the Cathars, the survivors retreated to northern Italy. They could hold the fortress Sirmione than last refuge. In 1276 the castle was taken, however, and the Cathars, who had survived the conquest, were burned at the Arena of Verona in 1278.

During the Renaissance, attempts were made to use the building as a theater again. But this happens only since 1913 regularly again. On August 10, 1913, the opera Aida was performed for the 100th anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi. The excellent acoustics, the arena was able to quickly establish itself as the concert site. Today, especially in the months of June, July and August, opera performances and rock concerts.


The Wings of the Arena


Interior corridor
