Veronica anagallis-aquatica

Blue Water - speedwell ( Veronica anagallis - aquatica )

The Blue Water - speedwell ( Veronica anagallis - aquatica ), also known as Scarlet Pimpernel Speedwell or bank - speedwell, is a flowering plant in the family of the plantain family ( Plantaginaceae ).


The Blue Water - speedwell is a perennial, herbaceous plant that usually reaches heights of growth between 10 and 60 cm. Around the top of indistinct square stems growing in ascending or erect, rarely pithy inside and uncrowded purple.

The up to 12 cm long and 4 cm wide leaves are oblong- ovate, shallow cut to dentate or entire. The lower leaves and sometimes also those of the lateral branches are short-stalked, while the upper half are amplexicaul part.

The four to seven mm large flowers grow in numerous, fairly dense, many-flowered, leafless, rarely also glandular- hairy grapes. The flower stems are hairless and about two to three times as long as the calyx. The crown is of light blue to pale violet color and has reddish veins. Sepals are longer than the fruit.

The most sedentary at an acute angle projecting peduncles capsule is roundish oval to almost kreisrundlich shaped and slightly longer than wide. It has a mostly more than 1.7 mm long expectant stylus.

The Blue Water - speedwell blooms mainly in the months of June to October.


Veronica anagallis - aquatica is found in Europe and Asia. He is also found in North, East and Southern Africa, and North and South America. There are also deposits in New Zealand. It comes in Central Europe usually widespread.

In Germany you will find the way almost throughout its territory. Only in the west and northwest, they lack regional basis.

In Austria and Switzerland, the Blue Water - speedwell occurs in all scattered.

V. anagallis - aquatica grows in reed beds, streams, ditches and springs. He prefers wet or flooded, most nutrient-rich mud floors. It is a little salt - and heat- loving.

Pictures of Veronica anagallis-aquatica
