Vilenas Vadapalas

Vilenas Vadapalas (* 1954 in Lithuania) is a Lithuanian jurist and expert on international law.


Vadapalas graduated from the Diploma in Legal Studies at Vilnius University and received his doctorate at the University of Moscow and habilitated at the University of Warsaw. He worked as an assistant, research assistant, lecturer and professor at the University of Vilnius ( authorization to teach international law since 1981, for Human Rights since 1991 and in EU law since 2000).

He was Director General of the Department of European Law at the government holds the Jean Monnet Chair, President of the Lithuanian Association for European Union Studies; President of the Parliamentary working group on constitutional reform in connection with the accession of Lithuania, member of the International Commission of Jurists (April 2003); Council of Europe expert for questions of compatibility of national legislation with the European Convention on Human Rights.

From 12 May 2004 to August 2013 he was a judge at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.
