Villa Palagonia

The Villa Palagonia Bagheria, 15 km from Palermo, is an unusual Baroque castle. The 1715 built by the architect Tommaso Napoli with the participation of Agatino Daidone building is primarily known for its statues. This, monsters with human faces, gave him the name of Villa dei Mostri. Goethe in his Italian Journey, under the date of April 9, 1787 written an impressive description of this pleasure palace.

The grotesque statue jewelry, mounted in 1749 by the then owner Francesco Ferdinando II Gravina, Prince of Palagonia, already fascinated travelers in Italy as Henry Swinburne, Patrick Brydone, John Soane, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The fantastic architecture of the villa Palagonia was particularly appreciated by the Surrealists around André Breton. Michelangelo Antonioni turned 1960 film The play partly with the love here. The villa is private and only limited publicly available.
