Vincent of Saragossa

Vincent of Valencia, also: Vincent of Saragossa (* in Huesca, Roman province Tarraconensis; † around 304 in Valencia) was a martyr in Hispania.


Vincent was the legend according deacon of the aged Bishop Valerius of Saragossa. Dacian, the governor of the province Tarraconensis let the two arrest at the time of persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian. Both were tortured in Valencia: Man threw Vincent naked in a dark tower, placed him with zerdehnten limbs and torn by hooks on a grid-iron, until he finally died on a broken glass stock. It comforted him and made him the angel said to rust and the torture bed to a delicate floral warehouse. In rage, the governor refused the funeral - it should be eaten by dogs and birds.

The body, exposed to the open field to the animals, was guarded by angels and defended by two ravens. He was then sewn into an ox-hide and sunk with a millstone complained to the sea. However, the waves washed him ashore, where he was found and buried by a pious widow.

As early as the fourth century the veneration of Paulinus of Nola and Augustine of Hippo is noted. Vincent ' remains were transferred in 1160 from Valencia to Lisbon. His feast day is considered to be the middle of winter.

He is the patron saint of Portugal, in addition, he is considered among others as a saint of lumberjacks, sailors, roofers and potters of poultry and coffee houses, as well as against physical weakness and for the recovery of stolen things. In Burgundy His feast day is greatly appreciated in the winemakers. The Feast of Saint- Vincent tournante is now regarded as a tourist attraction.

According to him, also the Caribbean island of St. Vincent is named as Christopher Columbus discovered them on the anniversary of the saint.


  • Catholic: January 22 ( Not optional memorial in the general Roman calendar )
  • Evangelical: January 22 ( Remembrance Day in the name Evangelical Calendar )
  • Anglican: January 22
  • Orthodox: November 11,


On the feast of Saints on 22 January, numerous peasant rules apply:

  • On St. Vincent Sunshine, brings the winemaker good wine.
  • How 's the weather on St. Vincent was, so it can also be the year.


Vincent de Valencia is named after the Catholic University of Valencia St. Vincent the Martyr.
