Visions of Johanna

Visions of Johanna is a rock song by Bob Dylan, who appeared in 1966 on the album Blonde Blonde and was produced by Bob Johnston.


One possible interpretation of this complex text is that the song is about the discrepancy between realism and idealism. This interpretation, however, embodies the possibility eponymous Johanna idealist, Luise realistic extreme. He, the singers, the idealistic Johanna Luise realistic first feels torn, on the one hand, on the other side. In the course of the song he try to balance, but at the end he realizes that realism is transitory and only the idealism endures.


The British poet Sir Andrew Motion crowned the work in 1999 with the view that it was for the best lyrics, ever written.

2005 took place the song 404 in the list of the 500 greatest songs of all time by the music magazine Rolling Stone.
