Vissi d'arte

Vissi d' arte is a soprano aria from the second act of the opera " Tosca" by Giacomo Puccini. Mario Cavaradossi, Tosca 's lover, was captured because he is suspected of hiding an escaped Republicans. Baron Scarpia tries to use the situation to approach Tosca. Scarpia can torture the prisoners in order to extort a concession of Tosca. The second act is marked by wrangling and the dialogues between Scarpia and Tosca and ending with the murder of Scarpia by Tosca. For the aria Vissi d' arte ( "I lived for art " ) takes the frantic action on stage in the background, and Tosca sings a heartfelt monologue in which she asks God why she is punished.


Vissi d' arte, vissi d' amore, non feci mai male ad anima viva! Con you furtiva quante miserie conobbi aiutai. Sempre con fè sincera la mia preghiera ai santi tabernacoli Sali. Sempre con fè sincera diedi fiori agli altar. Nell'ora del dolore perché, perché, Signore, perché me ne rimuneri così? Diedi gioielli della Madonna al manto, e il canto agli diedi astri, al ciel, che ne più belli ridean. Nell'ora del dolore, perché, perché, Signore, ah, perché me ne rimuneri così?

I lived for art, lived for love, did any harm any living being! With discrete hand I helped wherever I saw misery. Always with sincere faith rose to my prayer to the holy tabernacles. Always with sincere faith I decorated the altars with flowers. In this hour of pain why, why, O Lord, why do you thank me so? I gave jewels for the mantle of the Madonna, brought singing the stars and the sky is, whereby this incident even more beautiful. In this hour of pain, why, why, O Lord, why do you thank me so?
