
The Witigonen (also Víteks; Witekonen; Vítkovice; Czech Vítkovci; Latin Vitkonides; Witegonides ) was a Bohemian noble family, the end of the 12th century branched into four lines. Their coat of arms was a five-petalled rose. The collective term " Vítkovci " is derived from " Vitek ".


Progenitor of the Witigonen was a Bohemian nobleman Witiko of Prčice († 1194). He was in the service of Přemyslids and was from 1169 to 1176 Duke's Steward, 1177 Castellan of Glatz and from 1184 Viscount of Prácheň. He acquired large tracts of land in South Central Bohemia and served Adalbert Stifter as a model for his historical novel Witiko. Under his successors the hitherto sparsely populated South Bohemian region was colonized by Germans.

Witiko of Prčice had four sons, who were ancestors of the following family branches:

  • In addition Witiko still had the extramarital son Sezema of Ústí, to which you should go back to the line of the Lords of Sezimovo Ústí; they went out to 1630th

The Witigonen held important royal offices and participated with their extensive estates in Southern Bohemia, which was initially outside the immediate interests of the Bohemian kings, the development of the land of Bohemia. They acquired other lands in East Bohemia and Moravia as well as in Austria Upper Austria. At the transition from the 12th to the 13th century have included in their possession: Prčice Sepekov Klokoty Načeradec, Skalice, the East Bohemian Nechanitz and belonging to Austria Burg Blankenberg with an area to be along the left bank of the Great Muehl up Danube stretched. Before or at the middle of the 13th century they founded, inter alia, Cesky Krumlov, Rosenberg, Trebon, Neuhaus, Wittingshausen and Příběnice and the time belonging to North Moravia Prudnik, which came in 1337 at the Silesian Duchy of Opole. In addition, they acquired land and stone for 1279, they are also assigned as the owner of Gratzen.

Due to its significant position in South Bohemia and their possessions in Upper Austria the Witigonen talked many links to Austria and Bavaria. The relationship played an important role with the Bavarian nobility nice herring and the Austrian noble families Hardegg, Walsee the Kuenringern and the actors salvors and the Bavarian Count Leuchtenberg and neck. They promoted the monasteries Schlaegl and Zwettl and founded under Wok von Rosenberg, the monastery Hohenfurt. This monastery served as a grave laying for the branches of the family of the lords of Rosenberg and of Cesky Krumlov.

Even before 1237 gave Heinrich Neuhaus patronage of the parish church of the Teutonic Knights Neuhaus. With the founding of the monastery Golden Crown in 1263 and the royal city of Budweis in 1265 proposed rule of Ottokar II to impede the further expansion of the Witigonen in South Bohemia. However, they fought back with a riot, which was led by Zawisch of Falkenstein, who belonged to the Krumlov family branch. After his execution in 1290 of King Wenceslas overwrote a portion of witigonischen estates he founded the Cistercian monastery of King's Hall.

In contrast to the other Bohemian noble families the Witigonen were already mentioned in 1276 with the collective term " Vitkonides ". Their political and economic rise was significantly promoted by the solidarity among the branches of the family.

The 1874 by Matthias Pangerl in his essay " The Witigonen " held view that Witigonen were of German descent and had spread from the Upper Austria to South Bohemia, was later discarded. The cited as proof theory, they first had possessions in Upper Austria, could not be confirmed. During the progenitor Witiko is demonstrated by Prčice already for the year 1179 in Prčice, presumably his son Witiko of Prčice and Blankenberg acquired 1192 possessions in Upper Austria.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms Witigonen presented a five-petalled rose dar. After splitting into multiple topics they kept all the five-petalled rose in their coat of arms in, each branch its own color design of the emblem chose:

  • Lords of Krumlov: Green rose on silver background
  • Lords of Rosenberg: Red rose on a silver background
  • Men of Country Stone: Silver rose on red background
  • Lords of Hradec: Golden Rose on blue background Their secondary line of Straz: Blue rose on golden background


The origin of the Witigonen of the Roman family of the Orsini is not occupied and belongs to the realm of legend. She came from the fact that Ulrich von Rosenberg forged several documents to increase the prestige of the Rosenbergs who were recognized only in the 19th century as forgeries. Among other things he constructed a fictitious genealogical descent Witigonen of the Prince Orsini, which was confirmed 1469-1481 by three members of this family. The Legend was taken after 1594 by the Rosenberger Hofchronisten and archivist Václav Březan in his " Monumenta Rosenbergica " again and disseminated by it. Although Rosenberg Chronicle is lost, its content is preserved in a German translation of the Wittingauer pin Propsts Norbert Heermann, the Matthew Klimesch 1897 under the title " Rosenberg'sche Norbert Heermann 's Chronicle " published.


Český Krumlov family branch

Progenitor of this line was Witiko II (also Witiko the Elder; Czech Vitek II, Vitek starší ), occupied from 1213 to 1236. For his descendants see main line of the Lords of Krumlov

Branch of the family of Rosenberg

Progenitor of this branch of the family was Witiko of Prčice and Blankenberg; his son Wok ( † 1262 ) described himself as the first with the title " von Rosenberg ". For his descendants see master list Rosenberg

Branch of the family of Neuhaus

Founded by Henry I of Neuhaus. For his descendants see main line of the Lords of Hradec

Branch of the family of country rock

Founded by Witiko IV (also Witiko of Klokoty; Czech Vitek IV, also Vitek z Klokot; † after 1236 ). For his descendants see main line of the Lords of country rock
