Vittorio Sella

Vittorio Sella ( born August 20, 1859 in Biella, Piedmont, † August 12, 1943 ) was an Italian alpinist and mountain photographer. His photographs documented the Alps for the first time systematically.


His father, Giuseppe Venanzio Sella, wrote the book Plico del fotografo 1853 the first Italian book about photography, his uncle, Quintino Sella launched in 1863 the first Italian ascent of Mount Viso and founded on 23 October 1863 the Club Alpino Italiano ( CAI) with.

As a mountaineer Vittorio Sella was partly the winter ascent of the Matterhorn Südwestgrates on March 17, 1882 together with the brothers Jean Antoine, Jean Baptiste and Louis Carrel. Together with his friend Luigi Amadeo di Savoia, he traveled to Alaska, the East African Rwenzori Mountains National Park and in 1909 the Karakoram.

Sella began photographing at the age of twenty. The outstanding quality of his photographs can be explained that he was working with 30 × 36 cm photographic plates in his ascents he wore despite weight and fragility with as a result. He used the "wet Collodiumverfahren ". Sella worked for ten years at a systematic photographic capture of the Alpine region. Some of Sellas works are in the Museo Nazionale della Montagna - Duca degli Abruzzi issued. The total collection is managed by the Fondazione Sella, Biella.
