Vlado Perlemuter

Vlado Perlemuter ( born May 26, 1904 in Kovno, Lithuania today; † 4 September 2002 in Geneva ) was a French pianist of Jewish- Polish descent. He lived since 1907 in France.

Perlemuter was an enthusiastic supporter of Maurice Ravel and was the late 1920s, his young friend and close confidant of artistic, just like Zino Francescatti for the violin. As a result, he was - and he saw himself - as knowing the most and most orthodox exponent of the work of the French composer. But Perlemuter, who had also studied with Alfred Cortot and had financed his education by silent film accompaniment, was also considered as a great interpreter of the works of Chopin and Mozart.

From 1951 to 1977 taught at the Paris Conservatoire Perlemuter. Among his pupils were well-known musicians such as Michel Dalberto and Christian Zacharias.
