
Voltigeurs (about: Bow Springer, vaulting from itl volta, French volte. Bow shock, arc jump ) were a branch of service ( Light Infantry ), which was set up by Napoleon Bonaparte in March 1804 as the elite troops, and existed in France until 1868/70. Were recruited as Voltigeurs especially men who previously benefited because of their relatively small body size as unfit for military service. The original plan, small, lightweight infantry jump on the horses croup behind cavalrymen to let ( vaulting ) and as a rapid reaction force to be transported in the front line of battle, failed rapidly in the practical implementation. Still remained the Voltigeurs specialists for the scattered battle. In the Plänklertaktik trained, they were among the best shooters in the army. So you took the loosened battle, the skirmishers who had been erected during the French Revolution.

Initially organized as independent companies, the Voltigeurs were later added to the infantry battalions. Each line infantry battalion ( Fusiliers ) or Light Infantry ( Hunter / Chasseurs ) was attached to a company of Voltigeurs; they formed the left wing and was determined to airborne command post ( the right wing as a massed assault formation presented in the line infantry grenadiers, light infantry when the carabineers ).

In Napoleon's Imperial Guard the task of Voltigeurs sided since 1809 alone Tirailleur regiments as part of the Young Guard. The so-called skirmishers hunters were renamed to Voltigeurs in 1811, the skirmishers were called grenadiers since simply skirmishers.

The Voltigeurs line troops were in 1868 by Emperor Napoleon III. abolished, since the newly created infantry unit should generally be qualified for the loosened skirmishing. Four regiments remained to preserve tradition in the Imperial Guard, but went with the Empire in 1870 as a basis.

Badge color of Voltigeurs was always yellow ( epaulets complete or half- moons, partly collar).
