
2.833333333333331.583333333333Koordinaten: 2 ° 50 'N, 31 ° 35' O

In Wadelai, now a village in northern Uganda at the headwaters of the Nile ( Albert Nile), was a major base of Emin Pasha.

Historical Significance

Wadelai was for a time, until December 1888, the headquarters of Emin Pasha. In the following years there was the place in the hands of the Mahdists. 1894 came Wadelai under Major Roddy Owen in British possession, and remained for twelve years a (marginal) base of the Anglo -Egyptian Sudan, differed its southern and western borders part of the present Sudanese borders. The first European to visit Wadelai, Lieutenant H. Chippendall 1875 was.

Wadelai bears the name of a local vassal of King Kabarega, the ruler of his time Unyoro.
