Wairoa River (Northland)

The Manganui - Wairoa - Wairua River system in Northland

Wairoa River near Dargaville

The Wairoa is a flow through the northern part of the North Auckland Peninsula on New Zealand's North Island.

Next to him, there are other rivers with this name in New Zealand, as in the Maori language Wairoa is the term for long water. The flow is therefore sometimes referred to as the Northern Wairoa; He has over 150 km the longest river of that name in New Zealand and the longest river in the Northland region.

The Wairoa has two source rivers, the River Manganui and ( confusingly ) the Wairua River. These two rivers unite northeast of Dargaville and be here for the Wairoa River.

With an approximately 40 km long, navigable estuary from the Wairoa River empties into Dargaville Kaipara Harbour to. Estuary and here are the Tasman Peninsula Pouto.

The Wairoa is dependent on tides on the majority of its length.
