Walbrook Wharf

The Walbrook Wharf is a Frachtkai on the River Thames in London, which is also still in operation today. He then located at the Cannon Street Station. It has the status of a Safeguarded Wharf.

It is used as Müllverladestation, part of the City of London Corporation and operated by Cory Environmental. Household waste from the City of London where it is loaded onto barges and then transported to the landfill Mucking Marshes in Essex.

The Walbrook Wharf was formerly a dock that was filled but after it was no longer to use them for large container ships. There also the now underground river Walbrook flows into the River Thames; the place is also called Dowgate.

The Thames riverside path runs along the Walbrook Wharf and is only closed for public traffic when just refuse is loaded.
