Waldbach (Gürzenicher Bach)


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The forest stream in the lower reaches of Trier Bach, is a 3.4 km long, orographic right tributary of Gürzenicher Bach in North Rhine -Westphalia, Germany. The creek flows entirely in the city of Düren.


The forest creek rises in the southeast of the Bundeswehr depots Gurzenich at an altitude of 165 m above sea level. NN. From here, the creek flows tortuous in northeastern directions. After about 2.4 km stretch of river flows on the left side coming from the west, the same forest stream. Below the mouth of the creek Trier Bach is called. Next flowing in a northeasterly direction reaches the creek Gurzenich. After crossing beneath the path of Trier Bach Bach opens underground in the Gürzenicher Bach. The mouth is situated at an altitude of 135 m above sea level. NN. With a length of 3.4 kilometers, the average bed slope is 8.8 ‰.
