
With Walkabout refers in a broad sense, the wanderings of an Aboriginal Australian on the Songlines. In a narrower sense, it is a rite of passage for three -year-old Aboriginal who go the way of their Song Line for the first time.

After the presentation by Bruce Chatwin in the novel " The Songlines " is about the Aborigines here is to experience the conformity of their Traumpfad song with the dream path. This means that he compliance of the reality of nature with the image that he had received from her in his songs has experienced.

For the Aborigine who lives as a nomad, this roving is the normal process of life. For the Aborigine, which passes them to settle down, it is an activity in which he keeps his identity, as being what they have always done his ancestors, resumes.

Changes in the nature mean for Aboriginal home loss, in that the entire dream path for them is home. This home is in the importance it has for one in today's civilization, an attenuated form of what feels the Aborigine in the holy places of his dream path.
