Wallace T. Foote, Jr.

Wallace Turner Foote Jr. ( born April 7, 1864 in Port Henry, New York, † December 17, 1910 in New York City ) was an American civil engineer, lawyer and politician. Between 1895 and 1899 he represented the State of New York in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Wallace Turner Foote Jr. was born during the Civil War in Essex County. He attended the Union School Port Henry and the Williston Seminary in Easthampton (Massachusetts ). In 1885, he graduated from Union College in Schenectady, where he studied civil engineering. He was then 1885-1887 Assistant Superintendent for the Cedar Point Furnace in Port Henry. In the following years he attended Columbia Law School in New York City. After receiving his license to practice law in 1889, he began practicing in Port Henry. Politically, he was a member of the Republican Party.

In the congressional elections of 1894 for the 54th Congress Foote was the 23rd electoral district of New York in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington DC chosen, where he became the successor of John M. Wever on March 4, 1895. He was re-elected once. Since he gave up for reelection in 1898, he retired after March 3 in 1899 from the Congress.

After his conference time he went back to his work as a lawyer after, but was also in the mineral industry. He died about four years before the outbreak of the First World War in New York City and was buried in the Union Cemetery in Port Henry.
