Walter B. Miller

Walter Benson Miller ( born February 7, 1920 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, † March 28, 2004 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) was an American anthropologist, sociologist and criminologist who was internationally known for his contributions to criminological theory subculture.

Miller put the master's examination with a major in anthropology at the University of Chicago and became a sociologist from Harvard University to Ph.D. doctorate. At the University of Chicago, he devoted himself from 1948 to 1953 ethnological research on the Fox Indians. Then he turned to the urban sociology.

Since 1957, Miller explored on behalf of the U.S. government's youth crime and published several publications on the topic. His thesis that the youthful band delinquency is the manifestation of an independent culture of the lower class, is part of the traditional repertoire of the sociology of crime.

Miller was known in the Boston area as a jazz trumpeter.
