Walter R. Evans

Walter Richard Evans ( born January 15, 1920 in Saint Louis, Missouri; † 10 July 1999) was an American theorist of control theory, which developed the root locus method for graphical stability analysis of control loops in 1948. He was awarded for 1987 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME ) with the Rufus Oldenburger Medal.

Evans studied at Washington University in St. Louis, the electrical engineering and graduated in 1941 with a Bachelor's degree ( BS ) from. There followed several occupations, including General Electric. In 1951 he obtained a Master (MS) in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. He worked as an engineer in the field of the theory of control engineering at various companies such as Rockwell International, and Ford Aeronautic.


  • Walter Richard Evans: Control-System Dynamics, McGraw -Hill, 1954