Walter Ufer

Walter Ufer ( born July 22, 1876 in Louisville, Kentucky; † August 2, 1936 in Santa Fe, New Mexico) was an American painter.


Walter Ufer was the son of immigrants from the western part of Germany, the father was a master blacksmith. First, the banks began an apprenticeship with a painter advertising in Louisville. He then studied at the School of Applied Arts in Dresden and at the Art Institute of Chicago. In his time in Dresden, who later became known as a librarian Walter Hofmann belonged temporarily to his intimate acquaintances. In 1911 he gave up his job in advertising to study painting in Munich and to tour Europe and North Africa. On his return he moved to Taos in New Mexico, where since 1898 there was a small artist colony. The Taos Society of Artists presented from 1914 in the U.S. and Europe. Banks mainly painted portraits of Indians and landscapes of the Southwest.
