
War / Dance is an American documentary from the year 2007. Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine tell the story of three Ugandan children who want to participate in a music festival.


The film focuses on the 14 -year-old Dominic, the 13 - year-old Rose and 12 -year-old Nancy from the tribe of Acholi. The children live in Patongo refugee camp in northern Uganda. Dominic says that he was forced by soldiers of the Lord's Resistance Army, with a garden hoe to kill farmers. Rose said that the children in the camp to hide it when the soldiers of the LRA come to abduct children. She reports that she and her siblings one day, after the soldiers had left, found her mother's head in a saucepan. Nancy tells how the people live in the camp and reports of hunger, thirst, and of people who do not even have clothes. All three find solace in music. Dominic plays xylophone, Rose sings in the choir and Nancy dancing. The school in the refugee camp receives an invitation to a music and dance festival in the capital Kampala. Dominic, Rose and Nancy must go there and perform. The transportation of the children in the capital city 200 miles away, guarded by soldiers. The filmmakers show the climax of the festival and the presence of children from Patongo.


Philip Marchand wrote the Toronto Star: " ' The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger at the broken places ', Hemingway wrote in A Farewell to Arms. This sentence can stand as a summary of the latter, which celebrates the strength of winning, broken children. "

Awards and nominations

  • Sundance Film Festival 2007: Directing Award Documentary
  • Oscars 2008: Nominations for Best Documentary