Warnau (river)


The Warnau is about 18 km long right tributary of the Bohemian and part of the river system in the Weser. Your catchment area of approximately 49 km ² located predominantly in the district Heidekreis ( Lower Saxony).

The Warnau rises in Neuenkirchener district Behningen, flows from the Visselhöveder district Ottingen generally southward, passed the Bomlitz districts Ahrsen, Jarlingen, Benefeld and Cordingen and flows south of the hamlet of Borg Bomlitz in the Böhme.

In Ottingen the Warnau is also called snow stream, which is derived from the running in the stream limit ( Low German Sneede, once between the bishopric of Verden and the Duchy of Lueneburg, now between the counties Heidekreis and Rotenburg ). Between Cordingen and Benefeld it forms a charming narrow wooded valley with its restored Cordinger mill ( events). Downstream to the mouth of her meadow valley is accompanied on one side by a picturesque bluffs with a narrow trail. The path meets in the south to the archaeological trail Bomlitz, which leads through a Bronze Age barrow cemetery on a knoll of the recreation area Eibia - Lohheide and south of the crossing bird park road to the eye-catching wall system of the Old Saxon Hünenburg in the mouth angle of the Warnau with the Böhme. The system is brought from a legend with the founding of the nearby Heide oldest monastery in Walsrode connection.

The Warnautal followed the railway line Walsrode Visselhoevede, which is now north of Cordingen degraded ( with the former station Jarlingen ). The section south of Cordingen now serves as a railway Bomlitz Walsrode the freight of the Industrial Park Walsrode Bomlitz. This route crosses the Warnau on the high bridge between Cordingen and Benefeld.
