Washington Benavides

Washington Benavidez, also performed as Washington Benavides ( born March 3, 1930 in Tacuarembó, Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan writer, lecturer, translator, literary critic and radio host.


Benavidez taught as a lecturer in literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Education ( FHCE ) of the Universidad de la República ( UdelaR ), Departamento de Letras y Modernas Contemporáneas. He was coordinator of seminars of the Uruguayan Ministry of Education and Culture ( MEC) and a lecturer at the Escuela Universitaria de also Música.

In the 1950s he was a contributor to the magazine Asir. At the transmitter CX 30 Radio Nacional he led from 1977 to 1997 by the music program.

Benavidez translated numerous writers such as Oswald de Andrade, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Gregorio de Mattos, Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna and Joao Guimaraes Rosa. Even as a critic he was extensively engaged. As a book author - he made his debut in 1955 with the poetry factory Tata Vizcacha - he has numerous volumes of poetry, the novel Biografía de Caín, published by Mosca de provincia a collection of stories and also other literary works as part of anthologies. For this, he has won many awards and received several times the price of the Education and Culture Ministry of Uruguay and the Intendencia Municipal of Montevideo ( IMM). Also, the Premio Bartolomé Hidalgo he won twice. Benavidez also belonged to the group consisting of poets and musicians of the department Tacuarembó Grupo de Tacuarembó.

His lyrics also found use in recordings of many artists such as Abel García, Eduardo Darnauchans, Washington Carrasco and Cristina Fernández, Jorge Galemire, Numa Moraes, Los Zucará, Los Olimareños, Laura Canoura, Pablo Estramín, Omar Romano, Daniel Viglietti, Alfredo Zitarrosa, Eduardo Larbanois and Mario Carrero, Tacuruses and Grupo Vocal Universo.

Benavidez is the uncle of the singer Carlos Benavides.


