Water birth

In water birth, the birthing woman is in a water basin with warm water. The warm water will give a feeling of security and promotes relaxation.


Water births are said to have been known in ancient Egypt. Supposedly, it had also been observed by Captain James Cook in 1778 in Central America and in New Zealand water births. Are called the people of Hawaii and Samoa, the Cumash Indians, Indian tribes in Costa Rica and the Māori in New Zealand.

The first known European water birth took place in 1803 in France, where warm water baths were used for obstetrics. After that, it was more than a century quiet about water birth. Currently this was only in 1963, were propagated as an underwater births in the Soviet Union. In Western Europe, water birth goes back to Michel Odent, the paddling an inflatable began in the 1970s to enable women during labor a relaxing in the warm water. Since 1978, find water births take place in France since the early 1980s in Germany and Switzerland.


Special water basins, such as that developed by the Active Birth Centre in London, 6- square water birth pool, have a diameter of about 140 cm and a volume of about 700 liters.

In Germany, in addition to normal (corner ) bathtubs are sometimes used special birth bathtubs that have a flap for the exit in an emergency. However, even then the water pours into the room, what is to be considered structurally. Meanwhile, there are comfortable, portable, inflatable and cost-effective alternatives for flexible use. Fixed birth tubs have usually a heater to keep the water temperature constant.

Made against a water birth specific contraindications (eg breech presentation and "green " fruit water). Through the diving reflex the newborn takes its first breath only when the face is not covered with water; there is for the child not the risk of drowning, yet the risk to take feces.

In hospitals where there is the possibility of a water birth, about 30 to 50 % of mothers opt for this Gebärmöglichkeit. In 2002, about 10 % of all births were water births. In many cases, doctors do not recommend the water from birth (eg the threat of shoulder dystocia or complications during a previous birth ). In these cases, the Entbindende prevail by signing a forensic Risk Disclosure wanting a water birth.

As a precondition for a water birth name Eldering and Geissbühler:

  • Hospital confinement
  • Low -risk birth
  • Request of the pregnant woman
  • Continuous monitoring by the doctor and midwife
  • Bacteriological monitoring of bathing water and bathtub
  • Availability of a second person for transport out of the bathtub when problems arise.


For the newborn, causes the water birth as such no special risks. Analyzes of water births by the gynecologist Albin Thöni and other evidence:

  • The birth time is shorter than usual
  • Woman giving birth normally require no administration of the analgesic ( painkiller be required, the birth is continued outside the tub).
  • Postnatal bleeding in the postpartum period can by faster.
  • When water births significantly less episiotomies are required.
  • Reduced birth stress for the child.

As the biggest advantage of this mode of delivery is considered the greater relaxation possibility of women in labor. The contractions are also better tolerated. Movements and position changes are in the water easier and more power saving. Women who have brought their child in the water to the world that hospitals and birthing centers also leave earlier than in the supine birthing women.


  • A dam protection is only limited by the position of women in labor in the water possible.
  • An epidural can not be performed.
  • In the event of an emergency that must be treated outside the bath (eg, cesarean section, shoulder dystocia ), take longer to appear than in the birthing bed.