Weight throw

The weight throwing (English: weight throw ) is a traditional Scottish sport and an integral part of the Heavy Events at the Highland Games. The aim of this discipline is to throw the weight from a specified drop zone as far as possible.

According to regulations of the International Highland Games Federation ( IHGF ) throwing the men at the Heavy Events Highland Games with a weight of 25.4 kg ( 56 pounds) and 12.7 kg ( 28 pounds) and the women with a weight of 12, 7 kg (28 pounds) and 6.35 kg ( 14 pounds). On other occasions also lighter weights are used (42 lb).

The spherical or rectangular throwing device made ​​of metal. It is on a chain, a handle ( triangular, round or "D" shape) attached. The height of the throwing device, including handle and chain must not more than 45.72 cm ( 18 inches ) amount.

The weight is thrown with one hand from a rectangular drop zone. The athlete must not transgress the boundary beams of the drop zone. The weight distance casting is a technically challenging discipline that requires high coordination ability and tremendous speed strength. Usually, the weight is thrown as far as possible with a rotary throwing technique. Each athlete has three attempts, one of which is among the longest for the rating.

In the years 1904 and 1920, the weight throw (25.4 kg) was a discipline of the Summer Olympics.

