Wendy Richard

Wendy Richard MBE ( born July 20, 1943 as Wendy Emerton in Middlesbrough, † February 26, 2009 in London) was a British actress.


Richard attended the Royal Masonic School for Girls, these left but at the age of 15 years in favor of a drama school in London. At the same time she took her stage name. Her first role was in the television series Stranger on the Shore, which used as the theme song the world hit of the same name. In 1965 she played a guest role in Danger Man. In the same year she was cast for the role of Joyce Harker in the soap opera The Newcomers. Richard starred in several feature films, including two films of the Carry-on ... film series. Their appearance in the Beatles movie Hi- Hi- help! was excised.

From 1972 to 1985 she played the young, naive but shrewd farmer department store saleswoman Shirley Brahms in the sitcom Are You Being Served? (Are you being served? ) - A role that she played in Grace & Favour 1992/1993 again. This role earned her the first time and lasting into the spotlight a broad public.

From 1985 to 2006 Wendy Richard played the role of Pauline Fowler from the laundromat in the BBC soap opera EastEnders, which examines the lives of the working class in East London in 1405 episodes.

Filmography (selection)
