Werner von Trapp

Werner von Trapp ( born December 21, 1915 Zell am See, Austria, † October 11, 2007 in Waitsfield, Vermont) was the second son of Georg Ludwig von Trapp and Agathe Whitehead von Trapp. Together with his six brothers and sisters, his father and stepmother, Maria Augusta Trapp, he appeared in the singing von Trapp family.


After studying music at the Mozarteum in Salzburg (cello) in the 1930s, he also learned composition and arrangement. In family choir of the Trapp family, he sang tenor. The Trapp family fled in 1938 after the annexation of Austria to the United States and began a successful career on the stage there. After the withdrawal of the family from the stage founded von Trapp in Reading, Pennsylvania, the Community School of Music.

Werner von Trapp was a naturalized American citizen and fought in World War II, among others, in the 10th Mountain Division (U.S.) for the U.S. Army in Italy. He then became a farmer. Finally he pulled back completely to Waitsfield, Vermont.

In the film The Trapp Family (1956 ) or the Trapp Family in America ( 1958), he was portrayed by Michael Ande. In the Hollywood film The Sound of Music - My Dreams ( The Sound of Music, 1965) was presented by Werner von Trapp, Duane Chase as Kurt character.

He lived with his wife Erika von Trapp, whom he had married in 1948, 58 years together and was the grandfather of Sofia, Melanie, Amanda and Justin, the current composition of the Trapp Family Singers. They call themselves the Von Trapp children.
