
50.43305555555610.5327Koordinaten: 50 ° 25 ' 59 " N, 10 ° 30' 0" E

Location of West field in the district of Hildburghausen

Westenfeld is a district of the city Römhild in Hildburghausen in Thuringia.


West field is located in the grave field.


West field was first mentioned in 871. The place names were transformed by Westinvelt ( 1185 ) on Westenveylt ( 1319 ), Westenfild ( 1342 ) to the present name. The place originally belonged to the monastery of Fulda, later he was in possession of the monastery Vessra. West field in 1634 looted and set on fire.

The Church of Nativity of Christ to

The church was first mentioned in 1185. In Lehfeldt / Voss of 1904 is believed that in 1574 a previous church had collapsed and in 1578 a new built. However, the sacristy features of the time bears before the Reformation, and refers to a suspected predecessor of in 1453. Above the triumphal arch, the year 1574 was in 1938 when removing the old plaster exposed. As the edification of the church year, the year 1731 indicated when the church has undergone a major refurbishment. Probably dates from this time, the Baroque name. The Year 1731 is also given in a Latin inscription, which is engraved in a stone tablet, which is placed over the South door with an angel head. About the Western church door a stone with the hen bergischen hen is bricked. After entering the church through this door is a look at the well-lit sanctuary. All sightlines have on the altar as a central place of religious ceremony. A spiral staircase leads to the right of the altar high pulpit. To the right of the pulpit hangs a Luther- image with a large white swan, Luther had been chosen as the emblem because Jan Hus (Czech: goose) to have said at the Council of Constance in 1415 prior to its combustion: "Now you will burn a goose but for me a swan will come, who will continue my work ". Until 1517, the beginning of the Reformation by Luther's theses against the selling of indulgences, Westenfeld belonged to the monastery Veßra.

The baptismal font is from the 16th century, the first bell is from 1777 (JA Mayer, Coburg ), the second from 1850 (R. Mayer, Rudolstadt ). Since 2003, the steeple crowned by a golden ball.

The parish west field had many centuries Sülzdorf as a daughter church. 1958 lived the last priest in the rectory. Thereafter, the two places were put under different administrations vacancy, namely Queienfeld and Haina. On 1 May 1998 Westenfeld came to the rectory Queienfeld, Sülzdorf the parish Römhild. The parishes Queienfeld and Westenfeld connect various common ecumenical events such as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the World Day of Prayer, held alternately in Queienfeld, west field and Wolfmannshausen. In addition Queienfeld and west field have a common church choir.

On December 31, 2012, the municipality Westenfeld Römhild joined with the city Römhild and other formerly independent communities along the new city.

Museum of Local History

West field has a very neat and informative local museum.

Bedchamber in the local museum

Historical kitchen in the local museum

Economy and infrastructure

From 1893 to 1970, Westenfeld a breakpoint at the now disused railway line Rentwertshausen - Römhild.


  • Andreas Corvinus (1589-1648), orator, scholar and jurist