Western Roll

The Western roll, sometimes also called the roll style, is an outdated technology in the high jump.


In Western Roll a right jumper from the right start, a left- Springer from left, both times the body is put into a reserve. Next is the Western Roll out a single horizontal movement, in which the parallel bar brought to ankle bone is pulled under the swinging leg over the bar. If you walk from left to, one turns to the left side and pulls the anchor leg under the body when you have passed the bar stretches to it and lands both on him and on both hands. This landing is called three-point landing. For many athletes, this technology was too complicated and did not come into question. Beyond that, the position of the body to the ground is almost parallel to, the head is slightly raised. The entire body rolls almost over the bar in the sequence ( the right Springer ): left arm, body with two legs, head, right arm. This technique has the advantage that the center of gravity is lower than the previously used shear crack.


George Horine (1890-1948, USA ) is considered the inventor of this jump technique, which replaced the 1874 invented by an American, William Page scissors kick. The roll style was practiced until the 1950s and is now considered outdated. First you jumped from 1936 to straddle and today in the competition, only the Fosbury flop. More world record holder and world champion of this style were:

  • Cornelius Johnson