White Escarpment

- 79.483333333333 - 85.616666666667Koordinaten: 79 ° 29 ' S, 85 ° 37 ' W

White Escarpment is an approximately 28 kilometer long road range on the western edge of the Heritage Range, the southern part of the West Antarctic Ellsworthgebirges. About it the ice flows from the highlands in the west to the east in the valleys of the Heritage Range, where it feeds two glaciers.

In many places extend parts of the stage from the eternal ice that falls here westward by up to 200 meters. To the southwest is the White Escarpment of the up to 2070 meters high Cagle peaks that dominates central part of the three Thompson nunataks. To the north is the 1910 Navigator high peak. The eternal ice, which flows down on the stage and between the towering rocks, forms the east the Dobbratz Glacier, which flows between the Watlack Hills and Gifford peaks. In the north the White Escarpment is encircled by the Splettstößer Glacier.

The stage took its name from a geological expedition of the University of Minnesota who explored the area in the summer of 1963/64. They are named after Chief Warrant Officer Ronald B. White, a pilot of the 62nd Transportation Detachment, who supported the expedition site.
