Who Moved My Cheese?

The mice Strategy Manager - successfully meet changes is a motivation story in mythical form of the American Management Consultants Spencer Johnson, which appeared in 1998. The story is about different kinds of problem solving, told through the eyes of two mice and two dwarfs. The parable shows readers how to deal with changes in life and at work. Since the appearance of the book is regarded as the New York Times business bestseller.


The book tells a simple story of four characters, the mice Sniff (German sniffer ) and Scurry (German Wusel ) and the dwarf people Hem (German brooding ) and Haw (German Knobel ), every day in search of itself cheese go in a maze. The mice follow in finding their instincts, while the dwarfs more strategic, but in hindsight but follow their gut feeling. How to find sometimes more, sometimes less cheese.

All four one day come to a place where a large stock is to cheese. The dwarf people are happy with their find, and from day to day bases, whereas the mice rejoice as well, remain, however, prepared for the case that the cheese fails to go on the search again. One day the cheese is completely surprising disappeared. The mice had already noticed that the stock has become ever smaller and could thus prepare themselves for the situation. They do not hesitate long and make a direct impact on the search for new cheese. The dwarf people take the situation as a complete surprise. You start thinking about how unfair it is that her entire beautiful cheese is gone. Thus the two of them wait in the hope that the cheese comes back. After a time, however, a Haw sees that the wait is in vain and goes on a search for new cheese. On his way, Haw recognize the situation in which he finds himself and considers it gradually fixed on the walls of the maze. His findings should serve as Hem arm, if he but chooses not to settle for the cheese -less situation.

His writings on the walls are:

  • What I would do if I had no fear?
  • Smell the cheese often so you notice when he is old.
  • Get a move in a new direction! This will help you to find cheese.
  • If you overcome your fear, you feel free you.
  • When I imagine how it will be to enjoy the new cheese, I will find him safe.
  • The quicker you let go of the old cheese, the sooner you will find the new cheese.
  • It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a cheese -less situation.
  • Old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese.
  • If you realize that you can find new cheese and enjoy, you change your course.
  • If you notice the small changes in time, you 'd better adapt to the big changes ahead.

Finally, Haw finds an even bigger mountain cheese, which is of even better quality than the cheese before. This time he makes a mental note to be more careful to pay attention to changes and quickly release the old, in order for something new to be open.


The cheese is symbolic of everything in life, what makes a man happy personally. This could be wealth, a happy relationship, a satisfactory work or normal activity. Each therefore decides for himself what his cheese and what makes him so happy. And without cheese we are unhappy and unfulfilled. Since life is all about changes that are not always desirable and often happen suddenly, it is important to realize that you can not stop these changes. The possibility that remains one is to change yourself, to release the old and to engage in new situations ..

Thus, the statements of the book can best be summed up with the findings of Haw at the end of the story:

  • Changes happen (Change happens )
  • Expect the changes
  • Be mindful of changes
  • Pass you quickly to changes in
  • Changes Dere you
  • Rejoice about changes
  • Be ready to change quickly and you rejoice again and again about