Wiesensee (Tirol)

The Wiesensee is a small mountain in the Northern Limestone Alps in Tyrol. Inflow and outflow is the Katzelbach. Directly on the lake are no towns. South of the lake is a small place under Warming. On the western shore of the lake, a narrow road runs low vehicle load, which is used by many walkers and cyclists as a connecting route without strong gradients between St. Ulrich am Pillersee and Hochfilzen.

The Wiesensee silted from the inflow increasingly ago. In the region of the inlet on the south shore of the lake is an extensive reed zone, which passes to the north in the open water and evolved gradually from the south to siltation a bog.

  • Lake in Europe
  • See in Tyrol
  • Salzach river system
  • Hochfilzen